What is AdBrite program, How to use it, How to earn money from it
AdBrite is a very good alternative to Adsense. I recommend it to anyone who has “bad experience” with Adsense.
AdBrite, it is program that allows you to sell link ads on your websites. It is very easy to get accepted into AdBrite - simply complete the online application form, submit your site to the directory, place your ad code and away you go. Registration is open for all page ranks groups.
After registering you can submit your sites to the online AdBrite directory. If an advertiser likes your site they might buy a link from you. You can price your own links, but I recommend always selecting the automatic pricing because it's easier. You can also choose the duration of the ads you wish to sell.
The network ads look very similar to Adsense for content units, AdBrite now offer inline ads. The inline ads, which appear under keywords in your text, have a very good click thru rate.
A lot of publishers choose to display network ads only, as me. If you have regular traffic to your site you can make very good money from them.
AdBrite pays big fat commission for every of your referrals earnings (My AdBrite earnings are 80% of my AdBrite referrals). This is also very good way to earn a lot of money only with promoting AdBrite with banner on your sites. AdBrite have big palette of banners and text links code which you can use on your site for promoting AdBrite.
Payments are on PayPal or check on monthly basic - min USD5.
AdBrite is good for Sites with good traffic as it encourages advertisers to bid on your site raising your minimum CPC. AdBrite is a very good alternative to Adsense. Since start of 2007 it is now possible to display AdBrite on the same pages as Adsense, as long as the competing ad formats don't look confusingly similar. If you want to earn extra money after being "banned" from Adsense then AdBrite is the program for you.
Register to AdBrite or read more HERE!
Increase Your Adbrite Earnings Great Tips

AdBrite contextual advertising network is largest growing network from online. Most of the AdBrite publishers earn few income from this network. Because, Web Publishers can't now how increase income. You can earn more income from adbrite, This suggest some important tips to our publisher make more income. AdBrite suggest some of the following steps to raise your adbrite earnings.
Drive more traffic to your site
The more visitors your site attracts, the more you will be able to earn. Advertising on the AdBrite network is one great way to bring in more users, and so is Spottt, a free service brought to you by AdBrite. You can get more visitors from Spottt. Your websites with fewer than 1000 daily pageviews tend to have low earnings.
Change ad placement
Reach your visitors wherever you think they're most engaged on your site. Place your adzones on the most viewed areas of your site, particularly on the areas directly above and to the left of your core content and Post title below ads. That are far from your core content, may earn significantly less revenue.
If you already have your zone on highly-visible areas, you can earn more try some of other adbrite ad formats such as Full Page Ads or Inline Ads to boost your revenue.
Switch from Manual to Auto-Approve ads
If your Ad zone is set to manually approve ads, you can choose the setting to auto-approve ads, which will boost earnings with higher pageview numbers. Go adbrite, sign in your publisher dashboard > Click manage Ad Zone > click on Edit Ad Zone Preferences (you created ad zone) > Ad Specs > Yes, auto-approve ads.
Full Page Ad settings
If you've enabled Full Page Ads on your zone, you can increase your revenue by increasing the number of times your Full Page Ads show. Go to publisher dashboard > Click manage Ad Zone > Edit Ad Zone Preferences > Ad Specs, and adjust the Full Page Ad frequency settings.
About Adwords
Whether you are a business owner or a web marketer or an affiliate, understanding Adwords is crucial if you want to have any advertising success on the internet. If you are serious about web marketing you will need to use Adwords. This is simply because Google's mission is to provide the best search result for users has meant ...everyone uses Google to find the information quickly. This is the whole basis of Google's strength...which you can use to your advantage.
But why do so many Adwords Campaigns fail?
Most people start off with Adwords without the of benefit any "lessons" and make a lot of mistakes. This is why so many campaigns end up being paused in frustration and without any return for the money and effort spent. The main problem for most people is that they never have been shown how to set up an Adwords Campaign PROPERLY and use the tools provided. Adwords is a simple concept but the reality is that it is becomes very complicated if you don't know what you are doing.
By doing it on the cheap- without proper training - you end up paying more than you need to for your campaigns, and you fail to be seen if you are on page ten, when you want to be on page one. As well as wasting money, you are wasting valuable time and effort when you could be driving a ton of qualified traffic to your web site and converting them to real sales - EVERYDAY.
So, how to Create Successful Adwords Campaigns?
The answer to your problems is really simple... VIDEO COACHING.
For some reason, people feel the need to do everything for themselves, when you can make your life much easier and benefit from someone else's experience. The fact is, we never stop learning. From the day we are born...we learn from our parents... then at school we learn from our teachers, ...at work we learn from our peers and trainers.
Why waste 12 months and a stack of money?
There has never been a better time to use Video Coaching. The latest Video technology has meant it is now accessible to all users - without the need of expensive software.
Now, literally, in ONE day you can be shown what to do EXACTLY step-by-step ...from:
* opening an account
* creating advertising campaigns
* writing advertisements
* optimizing your bids
... and most importantly you can easily avoid all those expensive Google AdWord invoices. Remember the internet is suppose to make your life better and easy. So, isn't it about time, you brought yourself extra "time" - then you can start to develop the web income that you dream about.
Why publishers get banned in Adsense!
In adsense many of times new and even old publisher get banned in regular period of time. In which many acclaimed that Google banned them simply without any prior reason. I would like to point out few major reasons to get banned.
Lack of Knowledge
As we all know that Google is much strict regarding Terms of Conditions and its privacy. According to my own survey 75-80% publishers get banned by exploiting terms & conditions. Thats why i suggest every new user to read out all TOS carefully.
Maximum Clicks
To obtain high number of clicks most of publishers tend to place ads on whole page. At times that gives some amount of invalid clicks and raises up CTR Rate above 100% which is totally un acceptable.
Copyrighted Content & Material
Copyrights are also another reason that Google never allows its publisher to use any content & material which is strictly prohibited by its orignal owner. Unless for duplicate content it gives only few cents.
These are general banning reasons of publishers in Google Adsense.
How to Boost your Adsense Earnings?
There is long buzz around the market that how to boost earnings of Adsense using legal and authorize ways. I would like to share some common rather important tips and techniques to enhance Adsense Earnings.
Niche Selection:
This step is most important among choosing Adsense as for earning money. There are alot of niche available but few of them paying much higher these days like Health, Finance and Electronic Gadgets giving higher amount of earn per click as compare to Entertainment and other sites. Before creating a new site first assure yourself to choose better and best paying niche.
Highest Paid Keywords:
Most of people entirely target their blogs and websites towards highest paid keyword which is not positive strategy for earning long time. Because the keyword density varies day by day in terms of expected earnings.
Click Through Rate:
Click Through Rate is also major step to improvise due to better CTR Rate your earnings could be increased in sufficient amount. Try to use maximum ads format in your pages to get best optimium.
Orignal and Genuine Content:
Authentic and Fresh Content on any niche may give you edge while earning at Adsense or any other CPC. Please dont ignore importance of orginal content plus its concept because adsense gives maximum payout for genuine and fresh material.
Increase Traffic:
Last but not the least after the strong combination of all above terms you must also need high amount of traffic for your site to generate something special on Adsense.
By the combination of strong content, powerful niche and excessive traffic can allow you to boost your adsense earnings whenever you want to do so.
Create Blogs! & Start Making Money
Earning money online become easier and most effective source for any age-groups. Internet as always providing influential services for students, teachers, doctors & businessmen for many more. Blogsites are becoming popular increasingly due to easy feautres and without no more knowledge of WEB. Anyone can create blogs in minutes also can start blogging too.
What is Blog ???
Blog can be defined as,
“Blog is a online visual journal where you can share, express topics of your own interest which is maintained by any individual with some daily entries.”
A regular blog may contain art, photos, portfolios, routine work, technology articles, music and videos lots more.
Topics for Blogging
If you are relatively new in blogging and dont know much about then you rely on those topics which you guess you are better in writing.
Blogging for Money
Blogging for Money is become common now! everyone is trying to get money from blog posts you can also do that by blogging on Highest Paid keywords like, Health, Business, Finance & Technology.
Blogging Platforms
Great Opensource and Online Blogging Platforms are available almost everyone free. Below are some names of Renown blogging platforms
Wordpress, TypePad, Drupal, Blogger, Live Journal, Nucleus, Mambo, Expression Engine, Movable Type and more.
Write only your Own Posts!
Try to create and develop your own postings rather than copy & paste other posts written by some one over web. For further information you can grab out the information and ideas but can write in your flavour & taste same details what you read in other blogs.
Content is King!
Content plays much active role in every website however for a blog content is obivious part of it. So stick on grasping fresh topic and good discussions.
Design & Template
Always choose clear, clean & sleek pre-made or customized templates in which your postings can be easily visible. It also helps to create valauble attention over reader and visitors.
Effective Keywords & Tags
While writing any posts on respective topics you must end up the post with effective keywords which are related to your postings. It is highly recommended for SEO and also easier for reader to find related posts.
Affiliation Companies
If you got to know that your blog is getting good daily and monthly traffic average so you can join some CPC and CPM companies which gives higher earnings for your blog posts. The earning will be done through better ad’s placement.
Optimize your Blog for SEO
I guess it’s not final step to do so but to grab out traffic from various search engines and others site you need to optimize your blog site for Search engine optimization purpose too. Do link exchange with related site and purchase no-follow links also for more better traffic and Page Rank. Set Permalink options as for date and name based it is widely used by several blogs.
Increase your adsense earning
A General question for all begineer in Google Adsense and its also a basic reason for banning new account or accounts which are ready to pay out.
Actually Google Adsense really loves Content of your website. If your site is well-placed and filled with UNIQUE content then much more earnings can be made easily. Keywords also play active part along with Description of your site.
If you want to increase your Monthly earnings of Google Adsense then i suggest to develop fine piece of Content for the site. The CTR of your can be raised according to the keyword.
Choose Western Union For Google AdSense
Google Adsense a versatile company of Google announced Western Union Service in almost every part of the world wherever Western Union is available. In October Google added the service of Quick Cash & Cheque facility for it’s publishers with more enhanced, safe & secure.
To facilate the option login to your account and choose Western Union go to Account Information and choose Western Union for Quick Cash and Save the settings.
After alteration in Payment method you may get an email in your inbox regarding change in payment type. For verification you can send Digital Images of NIC (National Identity Card) issued by Government and Copy of Utility bill for verfication so then they will punch up the payment to the same ID card which can be used further in retrieval of money using Western Union.
It’s the most safest and secured service Google Adsense announced so far because of it endless & mobile features it allows everyone to grab out payment anywhere.
Be sure that your amount must be 100$ or above for payment processing and the Tax Information is also cleared
Want To Earn Online just follow
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Tips For New Adsense account Applicants
This question becoming so hard for new Google Adsense Publishers who apply for new accounts. Google Adsense changed their policy structures time by time till last mid-year there were no kind of special requirement for publishers but now after revision of requirement new account holder must posses such possible terms to get their account approved.1. In Process of application please use high TLD or Regular Domains for your site like (e.g www.yoursite.com, www.anyblog.net or www.site2.info) Either you can also use sub-domain of Domains. (blog.mysite.com)2. Your applied domain must be at least 6 months older. (This is new thing which they added recently)3. Applied Website or Blog must contain genuine and reasonable Content.4. After applying for Google Adsense please remove other CPC or PPC Campaigns from website pages. As Google Adsense will give you top priority if your site doesnt have any relavant ads related to Google.5. Assure yourself that you are using tolerable web standards like Html, Php & Asp etc.6. Do not forget to add site maps in your websites because it gives users to access whole site using site map even Google also loves site maps.7. Try to use prefarable keywords that matches your content because Google doesnt show its ads for irrelavant keywords to content.8. Also dont create websites just for Adsense because some times MFA’s not pay much although having genuine content & stuff. If you are new webmaster eager to join adsense using a new site then i prefer to apply for adsense after passing 1 month. Because in this duration you may easily anayalise and startegise site peformance. If in one month start to give you good followup in terms of traffic and activeness of websites then you can surely apply for adsense. The biggest mistake most of new webmasters do is they immediately apply for new account spending much time on search engines. Do not forget to read out guidlines section in Google Adsense site to get further info about new site accounts. There are some agencies created in several nations which misguiding local public to join agency by registration and to use them for multiple clicking bombing on fellow partner sites. Please dont get involved with these agencies because adsense is free to join to all, just all you want to have a normal website with quality content.